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Harold Coggins’ Tai Chi @ Hidden Beach Festival


Category: Product ID: 23650


Welcome to the Tai Chi workshop at the Hidden Beach Festival. Nestled within the Wellness Zone, this workshop is a peaceful retreat for festival-goers of all ages and fitness levels. Here, you’ll explore the art of Tai Chi, a form of moving meditation that involves transitioning smoothly through a series of postures in a dance of constant, fluid motion.

Tai Chi is more than just physical exercise—it’s a harmonious blend of mind, body, and spirit. This ancient Chinese practice can enhance balance, alleviate stress, and boost overall health. It’s a gentle, low-impact exercise that’s easy on the joints, making it accessible for everyone.

Whether you’re an experienced practitioner or a curious beginner, this workshop offers a serene counterpoint to the festival’s lively atmosphere. It’s a chance to step away from the hustle and bustle, to connect with your inner self amidst the vibrant energy of the festival.

A system of coordinated postures and movements, breathing and meditation to improve health, fitness and overall well-being. You may also be introduced to some mobility exercises and stretching, as a warm-up.

These sessions are a wonderful way to wake-up the body and start your day feeling energised!